1. What is ed-watch?

ed-watch is an e-learning platform that focuses on the complete personality development of People to excel in any career and in addition to various professional training and learning opportunities ed-watch also provides Mental Strength Programs.

2. What are Mental Strength Programs?

ed-watch’s Mental Strength Programs are designed to help People in overcoming their every day mental pressure related issues such as stress, anxiety, depression and other problems causing hindrance in their career progression. We provide online consultation services and specialized programs through our Top Psychologists. For more details on our services please visit our Mental Strength Program page.

3. How are these services provided?

All ed-watch services are easily accessible, provided online, scheduled at your own time zone and available in English, Urdu and Bahasa (Indonesian) language.

4. What are the charges?

During these tough times ed-watch is helping by offering all services 100% free of charge. To find out more please contact us.

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