What is the Difference between a Therapist and a Life Coach?

JRNI Coaching, the community and training-provider of more than 1,500 coaches, will help you decide whether you should contact a therapist or a life coach.

One of the most commonly held misconceptions about life coaching is that it’s “just another form of therapy”.

It’s easy to understand why. People who seek out life coaches, therapists, and counselors are all linked by a common desire to make progress or experience some form of change in their lives.

So what’s the difference between a therapist and a life coach?

While practitioners in each of these areas share some overlapping tools and frameworks, there are very real distinctions between them. Depending upon where you are starting from, as well as the end result you’re looking for, those differences can be significant.

Whether you’re considering joining one of these professions, or just looking to hire the right practitioner to meet your current needs, it’s useful to understand what sets each of these modalities apart. Click here to continue reading…

Also, while you’re here, don’t forget to check out and register for our upcoming session with a career coach on 26 August 2021 at 11 am EST and 8 pm GMT+5.

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